In Honor & Remembrance

Firefighter's Prayer
Arthur (Art) Bross

Arthur “Art” Bross passed away on May 26, 2015. Art served with the Lookout Mountain Fire Department from 1986 until 1996. He was very involved in radio communications. He was instrumental in the maintenance of our VHF Low Band radio system and various other projects. He is survived by his wife Kathy and son Curt. Both Kathy and Curt served with the Lookout Mountain Fire Department. We extend our sincere sympathies during this time of loss.

Charles Durland

Charles Durland passed away on April 7, 2017. Charles was an early member of the Idledale Fire Department. He began his service in 1960 and was active until 1975. He served in many roles throughout the years, including as volunteer fire chief. He moved from the area in 1975, but his commitment and support of volunteer fire and rescue services continued throughout his lifetime.

Darwin Henry Dykes

Darwin Dykes passed away on September 2, 2015. Darwin served as a volunteer in multiple capacities, in the early days of the Lookout Mountain Fire District, from 1981 through 1994. Mr. Dykes is survived by his wife Melinda. His son Mark Dykes still runs the family business up on Lookout Mountain. We extend our condolences to his friends and entire family.

Chris French

Chris French passed away on April 11, 2018. Chris was an active volunteer on the Lookout Mountain Fire Department from 1992 to 1996.  He is survived by his mother, Lee (retired LMFD); his wife, Linda and daughter, Haley. FFPD extends its deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Chris during this difficult time.

John (Jack) A. McKenry

John (Jack) A. McKenry passed away on May 13, 2015. Jack began his service with the Idledale Fire Department in the mid 1970’s when he and his family moved to the Idledale area. He served in many roles, including that of Fire Chief. He was fundamental in the merger of the Idledale, Lookout Mountain and Mount Vernon Fire Departments in 1997. He served as the Board President for the newly formed Foothills Fire Protection District. He retired from the Board of Directors in May of 2006.

Frank Memmer

Frank Memmer passed at his home in Arizona. He served on the Lookout Mountain Fire Department from the 1970s until his retirement in the late 1980s. He relocated to Arizona where he remained until his death. He served in a variety of capacities, including that of Chief. He is survived by his wife, Marie, who also served on the Lookout Mountain Fire Department.

Marvin D. Miller

Marvin Miller passed away on April 25, 2017. "Uncle Marv", as he was often called, served in many different roles, including fire chief and board president. He was instrumental in forming the consolidated Foothills Fire Protection District. He was involved in our department, in various ways, from 1975 to 2004.

Craig Moilanen

Craig Moilanen passed away on October 8, 2015 after a long and courageous battle with cancer. Craig initially served as a volunteer then as a paid member of the department, before leaving to join North Metro Fire Rescue District. Mr. Moilanen is survived by his wife, Amy, and 2 young children. Our deepest sympathies to Craig's family and to all those lives that were made better by knowing him.

Rod Nelson

Rod Nelson passed away on January 30, 2017. Rod was a member of the Idledale Fire Department for more than 20 years. His family was instrumental in the efforts to bring better fire service to Bear Creek Canyon. They constructed the original Idledale Station #2 and leased it to the fire district, and later donated the land for the current Grapevine Station. Rod was a neighbor of the Grapevine Station and always made sure that our drive was clear of snow.

John Thurston

John Thurston was killed in an automobile accident in southwestern Colorado on September 9, 2010. John served on both the Lookout Mountain Fire Department and the Lookout Mountain Fire Protection District Board of Directors from the mid 1960s until the mid 1970s. He and his wife have both been active figures in the community throughout the years. He is survived by his wife, Jerri, of Lookout Mountain and his children. We extend our deepest condolences to his entire family.

Charles Zoril

Charles Zoril passed peacefully at home on May 4, 2001 at the age of 56. Chuck served on the Lookout Mountain Fire Department from the 1960s until his retirement in 1992. He served in various capacities, including that of Chief. He is survived by his mother, wife and children.

Joseph Zoril

Joseph Zoril passed peacefully at home on April 1, 2010 at the age of 93. Joe served on the Lookout Mountain Fire Department, Lookout Mountain Fire Protection District Board of Directors and the Idledale Rescue Team Board of Directors (now Highland Rescue) from the 1960s until the late 1970s. He served in many capacities, including that of Chief. He is survived by his daughter-in-law and two grandchildren.