Safety Tips & Information

How and When to Call 911

Below are situations where you should dial 9-1-1:

  • Crimes in progress
  • Life-threatening situations
  • Fires
  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Injuries requiring emergency medical attention
  • Hazardous chemical spills
  • Smoke detector or carbon monoxide detectors sounding
  • Sparking electrical hazards
  • Smoke in a building
  • Any other EMERGENCY.

Below are situations when you should not dial 9-1-1:

  • Asking directions
  • Inquiring about school openings or closings
  • Reporting a blocked driveway
  • Reporting an obstructed hydrant
  • Reporting a noise complaint
  • Questions about traffic tickets
  • All other NON-EMERGENCY situations.

911 Emergency Usage Tips

  1. Tell the dispatcher your location, situation, name and phone number, and other pertinent details such as people involved, descriptions of people or cars, time of occurrence. Please don’t yell, “I need the police here now” and hang up!
  2. Dial 911 if the situation is an emergency situation. Emergency situations are those situations in which a person’s health is immediately in jeopardy (injury, serious illness, thoughts of hurting oneself, serious car accident, etc.), a crime has occurred or may be occurring or any other act, that due to its serious nature, demands immediate attention by the police or fire department (electrical lines down etc.). If the situation is not an emergency situation please do not call 911. There are a limited number of 911 lines and a non-emergency call may preclude an emergency situation being able to reach our dispatchers. Call the business line at (303) 526-0707 to report non-emergency situations or to ask for non-emergency assistance.
  3. If you are in immediate danger (burning house, etc.) remove yourself and your family or seek shelter if the situation allows first. If you have a cordless or cellular phone with you, be sure to program 911 on your cordless phone. You may not believe it but dialing 911 may be difficult due to limited sight emotional state etc. Teach your children when and how to dial 911 in a responsible manner.
  4. Dial 911 if the situation is an Emergency situation. Emergency situations are those situations in which a person’s health is immediately in jeopardy (injury, serious illness, thoughts of hurting oneself, serious car accident, etc.), a crime has occurred or may be occurring or any other act due to its serious nature demands immediate attention by the police or fire department (electrical lines down etc.). If the situation is not an emergency situation please do not call 911. There are a limited number of 911 lines and a non-emergency call may preclude an emergency situation being able to reach our dispatchers. Call the business line at (303) 526-0707 to report non-emergency situations or to ask for non-emergency assistance.
  5. When you call 911 stay on the line with the dispatcher until you are told by he/she to break the connection. Your assistance may be required to guide in officers etc.
  6. If you are unable to speak or are incapacitated call 911 and stay on the line. Your call can be traced on the 911. Officers will be sent to your location. Tracing may take some time.

Edited partially from text from the City of Kotzebue (Alaska) website.

Staying Calm in an Emergency Can Save Your Life...

It sounds easy to say and hard to do, but if you have planned ahead for emergencies, it may be easier than you think.

Don't Panic!
  • Call 911 if you have a life and death emergency.
  • Follow your emergency plan. Check for and treat injuries.
  • You can find First Aid tips in the white pages of your telephone book.
  • Check for damage, fires, gas leaks, and other hazards using a flashlight. Don’t light matches or candles. Don’t turn on electrical switches—sparks could cause an explosion.
  • Call your family contact.
  • Check on your neighbors.
  • Stay informed by listening to a battery-operated radio, and follow instructions issued by authorities.
  • At work, use the stairs and stay to your right to leave a path for emergency personnel.
  • At home, put on sturdy shoes to protect your feet from debris.
  • If you’re instructed to "shelter-in-place," stay indoors, close windows and doors, and turn off ventilation systems like air conditioning and your furnace. Do not leave your sheltered location until authorities instruct you to do so.

If You Are Trapped in a Burning Building

  • Smoke rises, so crawl low to the ground where the air will be cleanest.
  • Get out quickly if it is safe to leave. Cover your nose and mouth with a cloth (moist if possible).
  • Test doorknobs and spaces around doors with the back of your hand. If the door is warm, try another escape route. If it is cool, open it slowly. Check to make sure your escape path is clear of fire and smoke.
  • Use the stairs. Never use an elevator during a fire.
  • Call the fire department for assistance (911) if you are trapped. If you cannot get to a phone, yell for help out the window. Wave or hang a sheet or other large object to attract attention.
  • Close as many doors as possible between yourself and the fire. Seal all doors and vents between you and the fire with rags, towels, or sheets. Open windows slightly at the top and bottom, but close them if smoke comes in.

Immediate Treatment for Burn Victims

  1. "Stop, Drop, and Roll" to smother flames.
  2. Remove all burned clothing. If clothing adheres to the skin, cut or tear around burned area.
  3. Remove all jewelry, belts, tight clothing, etc., from over the burned areas and from around the victim’s neck. This is very important; burned areas swell immediately.

Health Threat From Wildfire Smoke

Smoke from wildfires is a mixture of gases and fine particles from burning trees and other plant materials. Smoke can hurt your eyes, irritate your respiratory system, and worsen chronic heart and lung diseases.

Smokey the Bear icon

Smoke can cause:

•   Coughing
•   A scratchy throat
•   Shortness of breath
•   Chest pain
•   Headaches
•   Stinging eyes
•   A runny nose or irritated sinuses.

If you have heart or lung disease, smoke might make your symptoms worse.

Are you prepared? Click HERE to download Wildfires: Protect Yourself and Your Community or HERE to download the Fire-Adapted Community Guide.

Child Car Seat Safety

  • Did you know 4 out 5 car seats (child safety seats) are used incorrectly?
  • Did you know car crashes are the leading cause of death for children ages 3-14?
Drive Smart icon

Parents and caregivers are urged to verify that their child safety seats are properly installed and correctly used. Certified technicians are available to inspect and verify — free of charge — your child seat installation.  Please contact: Drive Smart Evergreen Conifer @ (303) 674-9683. Or, click on the logo above to go directly to their website at www.drive-smart.org.

For additional information on child passenger safety visit the following websites:

Is Your Car Ready for Winter?

The leading cause of death during winter storms is from automobile or other transportation accidents. Be prepared for winter by having an emergency kit in each of your cars.  The kit should include:

  • A battery-powered radio (with fresh batteries)
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • Blanket
  • Jumper cables
  • Fire extinguisher (5 lb. A-B-C type)
  • First aid kit, bottled water
  • Non-perishable high energy foods like granola bars, raisins and peanut butter.