Resources for Residents

Setting Up a Medical ID and/or ICE (In Case of Emergency) on Your Smart Phone Could Help Save Your Life

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While no one ever wants a medical emergency to occur within their family, being prepared can avoid a bad situation from becoming worse. Not having access to medical information, for instance, can be problematic, especially if you or your loved one requires immediate attention.

Today's smart phones offer a feature called Medical ID and/or ICE (In Case of Emergency) that will provide medical information about you that may be important in an emergency; such as who you are, any allergies or medical conditions you may have, and how to contact next of kin...all without having to unlock your phone.

As emergency service providers, we hope you'll never need to use this feature. However having timely access to vital information really helps increase our ability to provide top-notch, quality care.

How to set up a Medical ID on your iPhone

How to set up an ICE (In Case of Emergency) contact on your Samsung Galaxy, Droid Incredible or Nokia Lumia smart phone

Sign Up with Smart911

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Smart911 is a free service that allows citizens across the U.S. to create a Safety Profile for their household that includes any information they want 9-1-1 to have in the event of an emergency. Critical information such as family members, bedroom locations, utility shut off information, pet information, etc. At a time when seconds count, being able to provide 9-1-1 with all details that could impact response the second an emergency call is placed could be the difference between life and death. For more information and to sign up with Smart911, visit the Smart911 website.

"Watch Out! Hazards in the Home" Safety Information

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Keeping your home safe and hazard free is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family. We have included five surprising dangers that lurk in your home that you may never suspect. Watch out for these to ensure you don’t fall victim to the deadly consequences of poisoning and unintentional injury.

Summary of key home hazards

For more detailed information about home hazards, please visit the Smart911 website.

Codes and Keys Requested

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Residents of Foothills Fire & Protection District: The fire department would like to know if you or your community has a key-pad gate, and if so, what the code is.  A lot of our gates already have Knox access, but we would like to have the key pad codes for back-up.  For your information, a Knox lock is accessed by keys that are only held by the fire department. Please email Chief Alan Anderson with the information.